2025 board of Directors
Gary Smith, President
Candace Vlcek, Vice President
Cindy Spencer and Doug Houle, Co-Treasurers
Stephen Busch
Jon Luoma
Kim Skillin Traina
Carol Wiley
Bob Vaughan, Secretary (non-board member)
Bobbie Applegate and Cindy Sherman
Gallery Telephone: 207.677.2752
Patrons Coordinator: Diane Dolan
Volunteer Coordinator: Carol Wiley
PR persons: Hannah Ineson, Kim Traina, Candace Vlcek, Sarah Fisher, Will Kefauver, Jan Kilburn
Prospective members are juried from among resident artists of Lincoln County, Maine when there are membership openings. The group includes both regionally and nationally known artists. The gallery exhibits the work of 32 group members. Please use our Contact page if you are an artist interested in prospective membership. If you need additional information, please direct any questions to Candace Vlcek, Vice President at
As a participating artist in the Pemaquid Gallery:
1. I confirm that I am a permanent resident or property owner in Maine and reside a minimum of four consecutive months each year in Lincoln County, as required by the PGA By-laws.
2. I recognize that The Pemaquid Group of Artists has limited insurance to cover art exhibited at the gallery and I will display my work at the gallery at my own risk.
3. I will have an individual panel (most are 53” wide by 59” high) or designated limited space for three dimensional work and be responsible for its appearance. Panel display space is limited to artwork only. Minimum sales price is $150 for work exhibited on panels.
4. All artwork on panels must be framed and wired for hanging, without the use of saw tooth hangers.Framing should appear professional, whether done by the artist or a commercial framer. Alternatively, gallery wrapped canvases (minimally 1.5” depth with no staples or tacks visible) may be hung. The title, medium and sale price must be attached to the back of each work.
5. Eligible Artwork: Only original art of the artist's own composition is permitted. This shall include paintings, sculptures and art prints. Mechanically produced and/or enhanced reproductions such as giclee prints, laser prints or inkjet prints are NOT allowed. All works shall be signed by the artist. Artprints shall be signed and numbered in limited editions.
6. I am responsible for hanging my work on one of two hanging days. There may be no fewer than two artworks on each panel. More than five paintings may be hung if they are at least 2” apart and 2” from the panel’s edges. The Exhibition Committee will review all work and displays. Gallery supplied labelsmust be used for all displayed work.
7. A completed “Consignment Sheet” of work placed on Hanging Day must be given to the Gallery Attendant; each time the panel is subsequently changed it is my responsibility to update the existing sheet or to provide a new Consignment Sheet to the Attendant. Please Note: If the price listed on the panel, the back of the work, the consignment sheet or website do not match, gallery attendants or website manager will sell the work at the lowest of the price listings.
8. Work shown before September during the previous year may not be hung or placed in bins during the current year.
9. I need to change my work on display at least once, prior to August 1, even if there have been no sales.
10. I need to replace sold work within one week.
11. Gallery Commission: 30% of retail price on all sales. All sales, including sales through the PGA website or while painting plein air at Lighthouse Park, must be processed through the gallery. Artists will be paid once per month.
12. Bins - I may place up to six (6) labeled pieces, properly shrink-wrapped or in plastic sleeves, in the bins. Works on paper must be matted. Oil paintings must be on 1/8th inch panel or less. No stretched canvases are allowed. Minimum bin price is $75.00.
13. Shipping: If work is to be shipped domestically, a buyer signs a separate packand-ship form, which authorizes full payment of all charges to their credit card. The Gallery does not ship internationally.
14. I will help with at least two scheduled gallery events or gallery-sponsored projects as well as attending the Gallery Opening Reception and the second opening/Patron Event.
15. I am responsible for removal of my work on the day of and prior to the Annual Membership Meeting.
5. My artist Park pass (unless I am a Bristol resident) is only to be used when hanging/changing artwork and excludes recreational visits to the Park.
***An artist member who has not met the sales requirement set by the Board in two consecutive Annual Exhibitions ($300 for 2025) shall forfeit his or her exhibition space. In such cases the artist must reapply for membership and jury again. Sales of donated paintings for Charitable Outreach or the Patrons Raffle count towards that member’s required yearly sales.
Biographical Information
1. I will have a two-sided sheet protected page for my biographical information, kept in a notebook available to gallery visitors. This information should be updated annually on Hanging Day, and as needed, thereafter.
2. Artists’ business cards will be kept at the desk and provided to visitors upon request.
Ratified by the Membership 3/25/2021
ARTICLE I – Name, Location and Purpose
The name of this Organization shall be the Pemaquid Group of Artists (“PGA”), located at Lighthouse Park, Pemaquid, Maine. The legal mailing address of the Organization shall be the address of the current Treasurer. The purpose of the Organization is to provide a venue for qualified artists to exhibit and sell their artwork, enrich the cultural environment for residents and visitors, and foster and support art education.
ARTICLE II – Board of Directors
Section 1 – Number and Election of Directors: The business of the Organization shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than seven and not more than thirteen persons, all of whom shall be members or patrons of the Organization. It shall include all of the Officers, theimmediate Past-President, and at least two artist members or patrons. Directors shall serve for no more than two consecutive two-year terms and shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by the membership of the Organization. Directors and Officers shall serve without compensation.
Section 2 – Vacancies: Any vacancy occurring on the Board may be filled by the af f irmative vote of a majority of the remaining Directors. A Director appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve until a successor is elected at the next annual meeting.
Section 3 – Powers and Duties: The property, affairs and business of the Organization shall be managed by the Board, which may exercise all such lawful powers of the Organization that are not prohibited by the Statutes of the State of Maine, the Articles of Incorporation, The Internal Revenue Code, or these Bylaws.
Section 4 – Meetings of Directors: Meetings of the Board may be held at any time and place upon call by the President or a majority of the Directors upon two weeks’ notice given to each Director. Written notice may be given by the President, Secretary, or any Director via U.S. Mail and/or e-mail. A majority of the serving Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A quorum having been established, the act of the majority of those Directors present shall constitute the act of the entire Board.
Section 5 – Membership Meetings: The Annual Meeting of the Organization shall be held at the Gallery in the Fall at a date and time established by the Board and communicated to the membership by the secretary in a timely way (with at least two weeks’ notice). (A quorum for transacting businessat the Annual Meeting or any general or special membership meeting is the majority of members who are eligible to vote. A vote will be carried by the majority of members when a quorum is present.) At times, special meetings of the membership may need to be called at times outside of the normal PGA season (May – Oct). During these periods, issues up for consideration by vote must have been communicated to the membership with at least two weeks’ notice and voting via email or postal mail will be acceptable for those members who may not be able to physically attend a meeting. Only paid members and Patrons who are Board members will have voting privileges. Guest artists have no voting privileges.
ARTICLE III -- Officers
Section 1 – Officers: The Officers of the Organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, who shall be proposed by the Board and ratified by the Membership at the Annual Meeting of the Organization. Officers shall serve for no more than two consecutive two-year terms.
Section 2 – The President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Organization and shall preside at all meetings of the Board and the membership. The President shall have the general and executive management of the Organization, have the authority to sign checks in the absence or disability of the Treasurer, and shall be responsible for seeing that all decisions of the Board and any ad hoc committees are carried out. The President shall have the authority to call special meetings of the Board or general membership as may be necessary, giving at least two weeks’ notice in the manner prescribed in Article II, Section 4. The President may also establish standing and other committees as may be required.
Section 3 – The Vice-President: In the absence, disability or refusal to act of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President and shall have all the powers of the President.
Section 4 – The Secretary: The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Board and the general membership; shall be responsible for the official correspondence of the Organization and shall perform all other duties appropriate to the of f ice of Secretary.
Section 5 – The Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the financial officer of the Organization, shall have custody of its funds and sign checks in its name. The Treasurer shall deposit such funds in the name of the Organization in such depositories as may be designated by the Board and shall disburse funds of the Organization as directed by the Board. However, any expense in excess of $400.00 shall require the prior approval of the President. The Treasurer shall also keep records of account showing accurately at all times the financial condition of the Organization, and, whenever requested, furnish to the President and the Board a statement of the financial condition of the Organization. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as prescribed by the Board.
ARTICLE IV – Indemnification
The Organization shall indemnify and save harmless all or any of the Officers and Directors of the organization from and against expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in connection with the defense of any action, suit or proceeding in which any such Director or officer by virtue of his officemay be made a party, except if such officer or Director is f inally adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for gross negligence, fraud or misconduct involving moral turpitude in the performance of their duties he/she shall not be so indemnified and held harmless.
ARTICLE V – Membership
Section 1 –Membership: Member artists are juried into the organization; entitled to display/sell their work; are expected to contribute to the welfare of the gallery and are entitled to vote on any matter brought before the membership at the annual meeting or at any special membership meetings.
Section 2– Membership Dues: The annual membership dues shall be established by the Board, who shall have discretion to change them from time to time as may be necessary. Dues of artist members are payable each year no later than the date specified in the Reservation and Artist Responsibilities Agreement. Failing the payment of dues and fees as prescribed herein an artist shall forfeit his or her exhibition space.
Section 3 – Call for Artists and Jury Process: The Secretary shall publish a notice to interested applicants in regional print and online publications during the last week of March and second week of April providing information regarding artist eligibility and the jury process. The Board will judge the work of each applicant and determine whether the applicant is qualified for an artist membership or guest artist status. The work submitted for exhibition must be representative and consistent to the work presented to the jury. PGA reserves the right to reject work not consistent with the juried artwork.
Section 4 – Artist Eligibility: To be eligible as an artist member and, upon acceptance, be entitled thereafter to exhibit at the gallery, a person must:
a) Be a permanent resident or property owner and reside a minimum of four consecutive months of each calendar year within Lincoln County in the state of Maine.
b) Be accepted by the Board based upon the submission of three representative examples of his or her work in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.
c) Sign the annual Reservation and Artist Responsibilities Agreement and pay the appropriate fees.
Section 5 – Guest Artists: The Board may, at its discretion, grant a display space to an applicant as a guest artist for a given year only, applying the same criteria as described in Sections 3 and 4. In such case, a guest artist will pay an exhibition fee equal to the current consolidated fees of artist members and complete the Reservation and Artist Responsibilities Agreement no later than the date specified in the agreement. Guest artists have no voting privileges.
Section 6 – Sales Requirements: The PGA is largely able to support itself through the commissions of gallery sales. Artist members are expected to sell a minimum dollar amount each year to support PGA gallery operations. Sales dollar requirement amounts will be determined annually by the Board and will be included in the spring packet. Artist members who do not meet sales requirements for 2 consecutive years shall forfeit their exhibition space. In such cases the artist must reapply for membership.
Section 7 – Artist Responsibilities: Every exhibiting artist member and guest artist must sign the annual Reservation and Artist Responsibilities Agreement which confirms their Maine residency (Section 3) and responsibilities including PGA participation and support.
Section 8 – Year of Grace: Once every five years, any artist member may, upon giving timely notice to the Board, elect not to exhibit for that year without forfeiting his or her membership. Not exhibiting for more than one year shall constitute automatic forfeiture of the artist’s space, and reinstatement will require reapplying for membership in accordance with the provisions of Sections 3 of this Article.
ARTICLE VI – Annual Exhibition
The Annual Exhibition of work by the artist members and guest artists of the Organization will be displayed at the Organization’s gallery from approximately the middle of May through the middle of October.
Section 1 – Notice: Notification for the hanging of art will be given in writing to all artist members not less than one month prior to the date on which art is to be hung or otherwise displayed. The notice will also include the minutes of the prior Annual Meeting, Treasurer’s Annual Report, current membership dues statement, general information pertinent to the current Exhibition, Reservation and Artist Responsibilities Agreement, and the deadline by which all artists must inform the Organization in writing whether or not they will exhibit that year.
Section 2 – Exhibition Space: Each member and guest artist shall have a dedicated personal exhibit space in which to hang or display artwork.
Section 3 – Eligible Artwork: Only original work, including, paintings, sculpture, and graphic art is permitted. Prints of artwork and photographs are not permitted with the exception of notecard prints sold by and for the benefit of the gallery.
Section 4 – Pricing, Commission: The Board, at its discretion, may specify minimum prices for artwork in personal display spaces, on the miniature panels and in the bins. The Organization shall retain a Board approved commission on all work sold.
Section 5 – Insurance: Each artist shall be responsible for insuring his or her work while it is displayed at the gallery. The gallery shall not be responsible for the destruction, damage to or theft of any artwork.
ARTICLE VII – Amendment of Bylaws
These Bylaws may be modified, amended or revoked in any respect from time to time by vote of a majority of the Board, provided notice of such action be mailed to the Directors 15 calendar days prior to the date of the meeting at which such action is to be considered. Included in the notice shall be the specific bylaw provision(s) proposed to be modified, amended or revoked, together with the proposed new wording where applicable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such changes to these Bylaws shall become effective until ratified by the membership at the Annual Meeting or at a special membership meeting, which shall have been given written notice of the Board approved changes at least 15 calendar days prior to the meeting.
ARTICLE VIII – Dissolution
When the purpose for which it was established is no longer viable, the Organization may be dissolved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. After paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the Organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to youth art programs or appropriate nonprofit organizations selected by majority vote of the Board of Directors.